It’s finally moving day and you’ve sent the social update to all your friends. You’ve reminded the group chat for weeks about how you wouldn’t mind assistance. Heck, you’ve probably also offered them all the free beer and pizza they can consume (okay, that you can afford). You’re ready to move to Aurora, Colorado.
Then you wait for your friends and figure they’re just a little late…
…and now they’re a lot late…
…and now you realize they probably aren’t coming. At least you have that pizza and beer you don’t have to share anymore.
This scenario happens more often than you might think, and can easily be avoided if you just search for a moving company before you move.
“But movers are expensive and too much of a hassle” you shout into your third slice of veggie deluxe.
Not so! A professional moving company today is more efficient and affordable than ever before. In fact, you can find the best movers in your area with just the click of a button.
Don’t believe us? Then open another one of those cold ones and prepare to be fully convinced to seek out movers before you move.
1. Moving Companies are Hassle Free
We’ll start with the obvious one first because it directly relates to the aforementioned scenario. When you ask friends to take time out of their day and help you for “fun” (pretty sure I can buy my own beer and pizza there, buddy) you absolve all the risk that goes along with it.
Friends ditch you or conveniently “forget” what day it was they were supposed to help. There’s also an increased risk that they could break your stuff, mislabel boxes, or pack essential and pivotal items in a haphazard manner that doesn’t meet your standards. Plus, if you’re offering that beer and pizza to them after all the hard work it gives more opportunity for them to rush the job and cut corners.
Movers, however, have more incentive (ie, cash and employment) to do a proper hassle-free job. If you want everything packed and transported safely, then a mover is the way to go.
2. Moving Companies Have Experience
Experience counts for a lot when it comes to movers. Picture the last time you saw a friend move without a mover. Were they cool, calm, and relaxed? Was everything neatly organized and put away with care and attention? Movers, especially ones with experience, can make moving safe, fast, and dare I say, almost enjoyable.
3. Moving Companies Alleviate Safety Concerns
Experienced movers should know all the industry standards when it comes to safety regulations and proper procedures. They’ll know the best and safest ways to pack, load, and unload heavy or cumbersome furniture pieces like mattresses and grandma’s antique curios. Movers share a common goal in eliminating the risk of damage to your items and have premium moving equipment at their disposal. Plus they’ll never show up in flip-flops or not have the right gear.
4. Moving Companies Have Better Inventory Accounting
It can often be overwhelming to take an accurate inventory of all the items in your home. Especially if you have a bunch of friends in different rooms doing it as well. Maybe someone offered to take a bunch of stuff but realized they didn’t have enough room, so they left it behind. Professional movers ensure that every box for every room is labeled and accounted for. They will check and double-check that each individual box and item makes it safely to your new home.
5. Skip the Heavy Lifting with Moving Companies
We all have that one friend who has had back problems since completing their undergrad – so the most they can manage is wrapping your cutlery in bubble wrap. Just don’t expect them to move that box as well. You and your friends can avoid heavy lifting and spare yourselves back pain by entrusting movers with your heavier and cumbersome items.
6. Efficiency is Key with Moving Companies
How many times is one of your friends going to shout “Pivot!” when moving a couch up a flight of stairs? With professional movers at the helm, you never have to worry about someone losing their grip or not knowing how to use a dolly.
7. Moving Companies Have a Need for Speed
Remember when you had to move and you had that one friend who asked if you could do it another day that was more convenient for them? Movers are able to give you an accurate date and time when you can expect all your stuff to arrive at your new abode. Many movers will even advertise their prompt service. Plus someone whose job it is to move things has probably done it many times already. Meaning any kind of big move will be a cakewalk for a professional.
8. Moving Companies are Accountable
What’re you going to do when Dave breaks your porcelain figure collection, take away his already opened beer? Movers are held accountable for everything related to your move. They’ll work to ensure that everything arrives on time, and intact. When you have sole accountability over your stuff it can add to the already stressful moving experience.
9. Moving Companies are Reliable
Professional movers undergo serious training. They know the best moving techniques and safety precautions. Plus they’re also trained in best practices to organize and streamline the moving process.
10. Moving Companies Let You De-Stress
With all that said and done, movers can elevate any stress or concerns you may have regarding your move. Moving at any time, no matter how big or small can be an overwhelming ordeal for anyone. Movers can expertly assess your situation and cross everything off your list – so you don’t have to.